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Executive Assistants

The event finally started

2016-04-19 Ulla Riis

Today I'll write in English, since I promised one of the guests at Training day.

197 participants registered!!! Best ever in Training day's history, normally around 120 persons. We felt very proud and excited to meet all guests. Registration opened two days in advance, so we installed ourselves at our desk at the Clarion Sign hotel. The day before we had packed all 200 goodie bags with small gifts, Stockholm map and information about programme in Stockholm City. Once again Lyyti program was very useful when ticking off all participants on the list just by using an Ipad.

Many countries were represented, just to mention some: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Cyprus, Greece, France. New this year was a member from Russia. I can proudly inform that Sweden has most members of all countries ie ~250 persons (out of which 130 in EUMA East=Stockholm).

Thursday April 14 we started up with a welcome reception at the Nobel museum in Old Town.This was arranged through one of our members being employed by the company Aczo Nobel. That is one of the things that is so good with EUMA that we come from so many different companies and you get the opportunity to have a broad network.

 A nice walk from the hotel to show our beautiful city. Weather was perfect!! After a drink and some sandwiches we were divided into groups and given a guided tour in the museum by very knowleable guides. Very interesting indeed and I learnt a lot about Alfred Nobel which I had not heard before.  Some of us stayed at the museum for a nice dinner where we had a chance to get together and learn to know one another. Always interesting with new acquaintencies.Back at the hotel there was still some time for a "night cap" and more discussions and laughter. So first day could be ticked off as successful.

Friday April 15. Registration desk open all day. Council meeting for all member countries was held all day.  M'any of our guests that did not participate there joined the tours that we had arranged: a walk with guide in Old Town, boat tour under Stockholm bridges, Vasamuseum and ABBA museum. Weather was just splendid with a clear blue sky!!

My biggest part in the project was the arranging of transports to and from hotel, gala dinner and entertainment. Dinner was held at Solliden, Skansen. Great place with a beautiful view over Stockholm and lake Mälaren. The city really showed itself from the best side in the sunshine.  I was a bit nervous in the beginning hearing about things that should take place which I had not counted on. Speeches to be held, sponsors, project group to be on stage and thanked. I pitied the poor troubadour who had to sit waiting, but he was calm and did not mind. Waiters that served us also improvised, so everything went well.

A guide dressed in a folkloric dress told the story about Skansen (the zoo) and also had brought a Dala horse. Many wanted to have a closer look at her dress and the horse, so a lot of photos with her where taken.

We enjoyed a splendid dinner and good music with a music quiz. There was even some spontaneous dancing and singing. The sound level was quite high when going back in buses to the hotel. I felt so pleased and happy to see all smiling faces. This is a fantastic group to be part of!

I save the "T" day for tomorrow!